Em processo de renovação!
About us
"Quinta Ecológica da Moita" comes up thanks to a partnership between Santa Casa da Misericordia de Aveiro (SCMA) and Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental (ASPEA), with the intention of energize Environmental Education activities in Moita's Forest, supported by an anual activity programme, and considering other actions in the field of clienliness and care of the ares, creation of paths in the natures, energize classes in the nature and manegement of spaces, such as family horticulture gardens, a comunnal horticulure garden pedagogical horticulture garden, pedagogical apiary, snak park, land area and rural tourism.
In general, QEM has these goals:
1. Reaulify and valorize an area that has potential in diverse aspects, preservation of the nature, biological/traditional agriculture, educational environment, free time activities for all ages, cultural and even scientific;
2. Create a space that cand enrich its visitors, both in their well-being and life quality, as well as from the pedagogical, educational, playful and cultural point of view;
3. Make possible a more interactive and open relation with local population;

4. Environmental maintainance and management of a natural space, enabling this project a revitalization of the forest that is in a deteriorated condition. It is need an intervention so this won't be dominated by the wild, and also for the transformation impediment of the spaces nearer the bog waters;
5. Since the partnership between QEM and the old age home, environmental education activites are also settled for them.
QEM's Friends Card
Being a friend of QEM is easy and allows to enjoy the benefits of the various initiatives offered by Quinta Ecológica da Moita.
The QEM's Friends Card allows the regular visitors of Quinta Ecológica da Moita many advantages, such as discounts in the participation of various activities, privileged information about the activities and invitations for other parallel activities.
The inscription for the registration can be required in QEM or via download in the site, by telephone 234940480 or 916635638 or by e-mail quintaecologicadamoita@aspea.org.
QEM's Friends Card characteristics
Costs 10€. You can require it as previously mentioned;
Valid for a year, starting in the assigment date, with automatic anul renovation;
Personal and non-transmissible.
Discounts in QEM's activities.
Online reception of QEM's pogramming.
Invitations for free initiatives.
Invitations for parallel activities: social gatherings, talks, exhibitions...
5% discount in the purchase of products and merchandising produced by QEM.
Volunteering in QEM
Supporting needs for the projects
QEM in its development, due to the huge dimension of the forest area and the infrastructures, appeals the support of volunteers that want the recuperation of the nature and the build heritage. The volunteers can sign up in one or more teams, being that the ideal would be that the volunteers would constitue tems with friends, colleagues or familiars.
Team 1•Maintenance of the pools and shores | Axis improvement of the ecosystem
Team 2•Cleanliness and maintenance of the forest| Axis improvement of the ecosystem and axis improvement of activities areas
Team 3•Intervention in floor drainage and cascades recuperation| Axis improvement of activities areas
Team 4•Preparation of pedagogical horticulture garden| Axis improvement of activities areas
Team 5•Selective lop of ivies and infesting| Axis improvement fo the ecosystem
Team 6•Maintenance of paths| Axis improvement of activities areas
Team 7•Supoort in the construction of equipments and infrastructures| Axis improvement of activities areas
Running of the volunteer work
QEM has a volunteer programme that develops according to two main fields: recuperation of the nature and the build heritage. Volunteers action spreads in colaboration in pedagogical horticulture garden maintenance and logistic/pedagogical support in activities.
Weekly schedule for volunteering is:
Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:00.
The volunteer shoose the schedule that want's to do, as well as the quantity of time that can gives. In case of colaboration, one morning or a part of the morning and the rest of the afternoon, QEM assures the lunch of the volunteers.
It is included an insurance for each volunteer.
To improve the functioning in the first times in which the volunteers come, they have to advise at least 24 hours before.
It is included using tools training.
We are also open to enterprises, institutions and organizations requestings that want to develope volunteer actions with theirs collaborators.
Schedules and prices
Functioning schedules during working days: 9:00 to 17:30*
* in programmed events the close hour can vary
Visit price : 3 €
Minor price | students | seniors | ASPEA partners| SCMAveiro brothers: 2 €
School activies or groups prices (from 20 participants) with appointment: ask for the budget via e-mail quintaecologicadamoita@gmail.com or via telephone 234940480
Settle activities prices: check divulgation material or ask via email quintaecologicadamoita@gmail.com or via telephone 234940480
Activities with no-appointment prices: coming soon